Wooden Garden Table Set

How to clean a wooden garden table set?

To clean the wooden garden table set, first wipe the surface with a soft cloth or sponge and warm water. When using detergent or soap, prefer those suitable for wooden furniture. Strong cleaners or abrasive substances can damage the surface of the wood.

Is there a special method for cleaning Latanwood brand wooden table sets?

There is no special cleaning method required for Latanwood brand table sets. However, it is always better to follow the care instructions recommended by the brand.

How should I prepare the wooden table set for indoor and outdoor use?

After cleaning your wooden table set for indoor use, you can polish it with a suitable wood polish to protect the wood. For outdoor use, it is recommended to use special outdoor protectors to protect your wooden furniture against UV rays and water.

Is there a difference between cleaning solid furniture and cleaning a wooden garden table set?

Yes, solid furniture is usually made of denser and more durable wood. While stronger cleaners can be used when cleaning solid furniture, it is recommended to use gentler cleaners for garden table sets.

What cleaners do you recommend for Latanwood brand wooden furniture?

Latanwood does not sell a special cleaning product. However, you can use general cleaners sold for wooden furniture. Always test it on a corner before use to see if it will damage the wood.

Should I clean my wooden garden table set often?

It is recommended that you clean your wooden garden table set at least once a month. However, if you are using it outdoors and it is exposed to the elements, it may be better to clean it once a week.
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